
Friday 18 June 2021

Outstanding vocabulary

For the past few weeks in Hur 1 Nga tangata we have been working on vocab, we were told to create either a Kahoot or a crossword with the 12 words that were assigned to us along with their definitions, I choose to make a Kahoot. This shows my learning because I have been learning these definitions for a few years and now I know the definitions of all of the words. I am not able to put the Kahoot in a blog so here is a few screenshots of the Kahoot.


Thursday 17 June 2021

Hornby high student recipie

 For the past week or so in Hur 1 Nga tangata we have been working on our values. We were instructed to create one of two things with our values, either a book mark or a hornby high student recipe, I choose to make a hornby high student recipe. Whilst doing this I learnt that it takes a lot to be a good person and my work shows this because of all the 'ingredients'. Here is ths finished product I would realy appreciate it if you could give me some constructive criticism.   

Tuesday 15 June 2021


 A few weeks ago in Hur 1 Nga tangata we were told to do one of 2 tasks, either take photos to show different conflict situations or making a Digi poster, I choose to do Photogenic. I was working with Dylan, Ken, Jed and Reuben, we decided we were going to create a slide with the photos on it along with an explanation of what was happening. here is the finished product.

Scenarios (Written roleplay)

 For the past couple weeks we have been working on different types of communication. We have focused on different types of communication, (passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive and assertive), passive is a 'You win I lose' situation ( Agreeing to everything, just saying 'OK', giving in, blaming yourself, people pleasing), Aggressive  is a 'I win you lose' situation ( Yelling, putting the blame on the other person, giving orders,), Passive-aggressive ' You lose, I lose' (Dismissing or shutting down, giving backhanded complements) and assertive ( being respectful, admitting to your mistakes). we were told to create a role-play based on one of 3 situations on the slide based on how we would deal with the situation, here is my finished work.

Base (existing text)

Monique’s parents expect her to come home directly from school each day. But today, Jamila wants Monique to come to her house for a little “get together” after school. Some of the other kids are coming over and Jamila’s mother won’t be home. Monique doesn’t want to go because she knows her parents will be really angry if she goes and she isn’t sure it is safe without any adults there. Jamila doesn’t want to take “no” for an answer because Monique is her best friend.  

*Monique and Jamila are walking home going their usual route when they come across where they normally part ways , they go to say goodbye and Jamila saids *

“Do you want to come to my place, I'm having a get together with some friends, my parents arent home so it will be fun”

Jamila said

“I don’t think I should go, i’m meant to go straight home”

Monique said cautiously

“Oh come on Monique, It won't hurt, just for 10 minutes”
Jamila said encouragingly

“I’m not comfortable with being at someone's house without my their parents home”

Monique said standing up straight with her head up high

“Don't be such a downer, it won't hurt you, just say you went to a homework club today”

 Jamilla said 

“Well if I don’t really want to go because my parents will worry about me. I don’t really like keeping secrets or lying to them.”

Monique exclaimed in a honest tone

“WelL I dONt reAlLy WAnt To gO, mY paRenTS wIll be WorRieD”

Jamilla said trying to mock Monique

“Please don’t be so rude. You wouldn’t like it if I did it to you would it?”

Monique said in a miserable tone

“I wouldn’t care, it's not like words hurt anyway,”

Jamila said now getting frustrated

“Well atleast I have emotional feelings unlike you.”

Monique said in a slightly discouraged voice

“UHHH, fine”

Jamila stamped her feet

“I'll go hang out with my other friends, the cool ones!”

Jamila stormed off.

Monique sighed in relief and began to walk home with a slight smile on her face.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Values Task

 Today in Hur 1 (Nga tangata, Out-standers) we did a task revolving around our values. A value is something that someone or a group of people believe in or value (that is why its called a value). At school Our Values are commitment, achievement, resilience and respect (C.A.R.R refer to previous blog for explanations Blog post). I believe that school values are important because it enforces good beliefs onto students. I also think that from a young age it is important to learn what are good values and what are not so good values.

Thursday 3 June 2021

Greek Mythology

 For the past couple days we have been working on Greek Mythology. I was working with a buddy ( go visit his blog). We decided that we would make a few splash pages on different Greek Gods/Goddess. here is our work so far.

CARR values

Today we were told to define the values at our school (commitment, achievement, resilience, respect) and write it in our own words, here are my definitions.


Being learning ready, punctual (on time), prepared (having the right equipment), and positive (good attitude).


Completing tasks to the best of your ability, aiming high and not comparing yourself to other people.


Having confidence to try, and not giving up if things get hard, willing to fail to achieve your goals.


Respecting people, property, places and beliefs, how you talk to people and how you fix things to lead to a positive future.